Adventure Library Arguments
These arguments return a class from the net.kyori
package. They are technically not native to Minecraft or Bukkit, but as Paper includes the Adventure library, they are
widely used in the Paper ecosystem.
Component argument
This argument is very technical. Following the same format as the /tellraw <player> <component>
command for its second argument, it expects the JSON
representation of a text component, making it inappropriate for general user input.
The result is returned as an Adventure component to work with.
Example usage
public static LiteralCommandNode<CommandSourceStack> componentArgument() {
return Commands.literal("componentargument")
.then(Commands.argument("arg", ArgumentTypes.component())
.executes(ctx -> {
final Component component = ctx.getArgument("arg", Component.class);
"Your message: <input>",
Placeholder.component("input", component)
return Command.SINGLE_SUCCESS;
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Key argument
The key argument allows a user to put in any artificial (namespaced) key, ensuring its validity. This returns a Key
which can be used at various other places in the Paper API.
Example usage
public static LiteralCommandNode<CommandSourceStack> keyArgument() {
return Commands.literal("key")
.then(Commands.argument("key_input", ArgumentTypes.key())
.executes(ctx -> {
final Key key = ctx.getArgument("key_input", Key.class);
ctx.getSource().getSender().sendRichMessage("You put in <aqua><key></aqua>!",
Placeholder.unparsed("key", key.asString())
return Command.SINGLE_SUCCESS;
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Named color argument
This argument provides the user with the ability to select between the 16 built-in "named" text colors. This argument returns a
which you can use for applying a color to components.
Example usage
public static LiteralCommandNode<CommandSourceStack> namedColorArgument() {
return Commands.literal("namedcolor")
.then(Commands.argument("color", ArgumentTypes.namedColor())
.then(Commands.argument("message", StringArgumentType.greedyString())
.executes(ctx -> {
final NamedTextColor color = ctx.getArgument("color", NamedTextColor.class);
final String msg = ctx.getArgument("message", String.class);
return Command.SINGLE_SUCCESS;
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Adventure style argument
Similar to the component argument, this argument is not really appropriate for general user input, as it also follows the JSON format for displaying components. Most users do not know how to use that format and thus its general usage is not advised.
The style argument returns its value in the form of a Style
This can be applied to any component using Component#style(Style)
. Whilst the JSON input allows for the text
field, its content is completely ignored.
Example usage
public static LiteralCommandNode<CommandSourceStack> styleArgument() {
return Commands.literal("style")
.then(Commands.argument("message", StringArgumentType.greedyString())
.executes(ctx -> {
final Style style = ctx.getArgument("style", Style.class);
final String message = ctx.getArgument("message", String.class);
ctx.getSource().getSender().sendRichMessage("Your input: <input>",
Placeholder.component("input", Component.text(message).style(style))
return Command.SINGLE_SUCCESS;
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Signed message argument
The signed message argument allows a player to send an argument in the form of a signed message to the server. This signed message is a special type - it allows the server to send that message, without the ability to directly modify it, to any player. The visible difference is that unsigned messages have a white bar at the left, whilst signed messages don't.
A signed message argument returns a SignedMessageResolver
. In order to call its #resolve
method, you have to pass in two parameters:
- The argument name
- The
The resolved value is a CompletableFuture<SignedMessage>
, whose SignedMessage
value you can handle using thenAccept(Consumer<T>)
. Inside of the consumer, you can send the signed message to players or work with it in other ways.
By default, the consumer passed into thenAccept
is not executed on the main thread, making it unsafe to use most of Paper API within it.
If you need to use the API, you can schedule a task to be run on the next available tick. For this you can use the
main thread executor.
You can read up on that here.
A non-player sender is not capable of sending a signed message, which means that the resolved CompletableFuture
will never be completed.
You should make sure that only players can use your argument with .requires(ctx -> ctx.getSender() instanceof Player)
on your SignedArgument
. You may
add a fallback greedy string argument for non-player senders if you want the argument to execute regardless of signing.
Example usage
public static LiteralCommandNode<CommandSourceStack> signedMessageArgument() {
return Commands.literal("signedmessage")
.then(Commands.argument("target", ArgumentTypes.player())
.then(Commands.argument("message", ArgumentTypes.signedMessage())
private static int executeSignedMessageCommand(final CommandContext<CommandSourceStack> ctx) throws CommandSyntaxException {
final Player target = ctx.getArgument("target", PlayerSelectorArgumentResolver.class).resolve(ctx.getSource()).getFirst();
final SignedMessageResolver messageResolver = ctx.getArgument("message", SignedMessageResolver.class);
messageResolver.resolveSignedMessage("message", ctx).thenAccept(msg -> {
target.sendMessage(msg, ChatType.CHAT.bind(ctx.getSource().getSender().name()));
return Command.SINGLE_SUCCESS;